Why is WorkSafe coverage important?
If workplace injury occurs on your property, and that individual is not insured with WorkSafeBC, YOU are the one on the hook. That's a scary thought, but it cannot be stressed enough - choosing a company that is ACTIVE and in GOOD STANDING to service your home is crucial. While that door-knocker might seem like he's offering you a great deal on services, surely your home & livelihood is not worth gambling with just to save a few bucks.
ALWAYS pull your own WorkSafe clearance letter.
Just because someone SAID they had coverage doesn't mean they do. ALWAYS check WorkSafeBC for yourself to ensure you know who you're hiring and what their coverage status really is. Click the link below, or use this in-frame browser window to fill out and request your own clearance letter.
To pull our clearance letter you can search for our account number (080116) or do a legal name or trade search (MossAway Services Inc.)